8 MUST do’s for stronger Mental Health

When I was a teenager, I had an eating disorder.

I would go days without eating correctly; Hell, popcorn was my primary source of nutrition. But, of course, we all know there isn’t any nutrition in freaking popcorn. So after scarfing down the buttery source, I would then wash it down with hot tea or orange juice. Then the migraines would kick in full force.

I was depressed!

My mental health was unstable, and I thought about suicide daily. The feeling of loneliness and not having anyone to talk to about my “teenage struggles” was a lot to deal with. I put that in quotes because I know a few out of touch folks will say:

“Teenagers have nothing to worry about; their life is simple and carefree.”

That couldn’t be further from the truth! Teenagers struggle with changing hormones and chemical imbalance. Those two things can make you think and do some questionable things—so mental health matters at that part of our lives just as it does in your later years.

Now that I’m in my 40’s, I look at health differently. My mental health is a top priority. I’ve learned that saying I need to take a mental health break is as important as saying I need to detox my body.

If my mental health is out of wack, then everything else is as well! I repeatedly ask my clients how they are doing mentally. My main concern is and always will be mental health. And this is why I periodically do a mental health check right here on my blog. (Look out for one following this blog).

Below are eight ways to alleviate stress, and hopefully, you can keep your mental health where it should be….in check!

8 must do’s for stronger mental health

  1. Meditation
  2. Yoga
  3. Reading
  4. Music
  5. Being around people that make you feel good
  6. Rest Rest Rest Rest
  7. Healthy eating
  8. Laugh more; life is short…ENJOY IT

If you are battling depression, please know you aren’t alone. Seek help and surround yourself with positive people. 

Wishing you all a healthy and happy life!

You could have chosen any blog to read, but you chose mine, and I’m honored!


35 Replies to “8 MUST do’s for stronger Mental Health”

  1. I agree with you on everything you say here exactly! 🙂 It cannot be enough emphasized how important mental health is at all ages and stages – the solutions sound simple but they are significant for bringing consistency.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Very good suggestions Belladonna. 🎯 Too many distractions knock us out of focus in every way, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically! A mental checkup is so critical, for you and others around you! 🥰🙏🏼💖

    Liked by 2 people

  3. It’s horrible when you’re feeling depressed, sad, alone…that unshakable feeling of melancholy. I know it. You offer some great suggestions. Walking and reading are my go-to solutions, well that, and popcorn! It’s my weakness. Hugs, C

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I love when my bloger fam reads my older posts. Thank you so mcuh. I feel like sso many of us are own a mental health journey and it’s okay to talk about it. We are in this toggether.


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