If Only For A Moment

Will you allow me the pleasure of living in your world, if only for a moment?

I’m not nosey; I’m just intuned with the fact that this world is bigger than me, and I love that. 

It’s other people that make the world interesting, not me. I’m intrigued by the unknown man and woman who are going about their day, shopping at the grocery store and engaged in a conversation about a topic that deeply concerns them.

I watched them as they shop for the items that they needed and wanted on a weekly basis. I looked in my cart, wondering if I needed that item, but I hadn’t known until now. I watched them walk from the aisle where they purchased Kimchi and finally left the love birds on the spice aisle—it seemed fitting.

I enjoyed being in their world, if only for a moment.

The other day, I was sitting on the bleachers as I watched my daughter’s basketball game, and this lady walked behind me. Her eyebrows were furrowed, and she was walking with a mean purpose. I couldn’t resist but to follow this ladt with my eyes so I could see where she was going and figure out why she was so angry.

She quickly approached her husband. I know this was her husband, and tomorrow, I’ll tell you how I know. 

He was sitting down, so she slumped down so she could look him eye to eye when she delivered the news that she felt he needed.

However, to my surprise, he didn’t need the news, nor did he like it.

When she was done talking, he looked at her and said, “Shut the fuck up and leave her alone.” I was shocked beyond belief. Not only did he say this for strangers to hear but also for their three sons, who all looked to be under the age of 8.

She quickly turned around, looking more furious than before. She tossed her long braids off her shoulder and walked as fast as she could out of the sporting event. 

For that one moment, I lived in her world and knew why she acted the way she did the prior weekend…..

To be continued!

You could have chosen any blog to read, but you chose mine, and I’m honored!

71 Replies to “If Only For A Moment”

  1. I’m more wondering just what she did say to him… must have been about the daughter playing with yours, and for him to reply in this manner, I can only think it was not good towards said daughter.

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  2. A angry world dear Belladonna. I observe so many people with anger in their eyes. I wish I could teach them what my Ojibwa grandmother taught me. Anger and regret will weight you down. Better to forgive and find some laughter, find kindness and love.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. it’s what makes life so cool….I live watching, listening, asking and um, eating food from everywhere……I am Ukrainian and all that means now, but I always tell people that my grandparents were from the area that bordered with India, China, the Punjab, and Iraq….I get some weird looks, but there’s so much about each culture i just….well, like…and yes food, but language…a friend of mine is about to start observing Ramadan, I tolkd her, even though I don’t have to, I’m going to avoid food, water, and everything else I’m supposed to avoid from sun up to sun down….well, because

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