Something To Live For

Searching for that something to give you hope!

What are we good for if we are hopeless and feel as though we have nothing to live for?

The power of hope can change your view on life, and the ugliest things begin to appear beautiful. But that will never happen if you don’t change how you think. Being negative or too scared to take chances will ultimately lead you into a self-made prison.

On the darkest days, you must find a reason to keep going. 

You fell off your diet~ So what keep going

You failed at something~ So what keep going

No one but you believes in you~ So what keep going

You can’t see the finish line~ So what keep going

You are your only motivator ~ So what keep going

Search for the hope you need to keep going!

We all need that something (s) to live for. When we stop setting goals for ourselves, we lose the want and desire to live. Every day starts to look the same.

All hope is lost when your day consists of waking up, cleaning, cooking, going to the grocery store, watching tv, sleeping, and repeating tomorrow; that schedule will sink any ship. Refusing to be complacent will lead you to set goals that will better your life and others around you.

This leads me to today’s prompt. 

Daily writing prompt
What are you most excited about for the future?

Goal setting makes me feel excited and gives me something to live for. My future self will be happy with all the late hours and hard work I am doing today.

But this isn’t about me.

I look forward to seeing my kids walk across the stage with their college degrees, watching my son play football, watching my daughter play soccer and basketball, having more HUGE Christmas Eve dinners, and more summer vacations. But most of all, I’m looking forward to spending the rest of my life helping others to find something to live for.

You could have chosen any blog to read, but you chose mine, and I’m honored!


113 Replies to “Something To Live For”

  1. I’m a total believer in hope. Especially that unexplainable kind that comes from intuition. I do not know why, who, or when but I have this distinctive feeling that something really big is about to happen. Something good, unbelievable and it is all going to happen from the generosity of one person. I’m scanning for a miracle, maybe that’s the key. Keep your eyes wide open because miracles are common but we might miss them if we’re not looking. Hugs, C


    1. Wow Cheryl this gave me chills! I so believe inn that and if you have that feeling then it’s time to begin praising and showing thanks now.
      Hugs to you Cheryl, I’m so honored to know you lady and I am sitting down to finish your book today! I started over because these kids keep me moving and I am now settling back down to catch up on the 10 books on my nightstand.


      1. You are so sweet. I feel the same about you, what a privilege it’s been to find you on WP and get to know you through your writing. You are an amazingly positive force in the world! I hope you enjoy the book Belladonna! Love to hear your thoughts when your finished! xoxo


  2. Absolutely this is like that motivator voice! Because yes during times of uncertainty or self doubt oh, and no one‘s watching – we must keep going! This is a beautiful reflection. As moms we have tough times and hard moments, for sure. Staying ahead of the game by setting goals. Keeping hope alive in ourselves teaches our children to do the same. It never means that we have it all figured out. It just passes down resilience and and motivation to keep going.


  3. Hope is vital because as humans we will always have highs and lows. We need a way to get out of those lows and not let them defeat us and having hope helps.


  4. I once read this quote “the hardest thing in life is to find out how simple it is!” enjoy the present moment and excite yourself in the mysterious future…. Anyways I liked the idea of setting something to live up for, Thanks for sharing this.


  5. Bеliеving in hopе has bееn an anchor in my lifе, a guiding forcе that has carriеd mе through thе darkеst of timеs. Whеn facеd with advеrsity, hopе whispеrs in my еar, urging mе to kееp going, to bеliеvе that bеttеr days arе ahеad. It rеminds mе that еvеn in thе facе of uncеrtainty, thеrе is a glimmеr of possibility, a chancе for transformation and growth. Without hopе, lifе losеs its vibrant huеs, its magic. So, I choosе to hold onto hopе tightly, to nurturе it and lеt it blossom within mе, for it is thе vеry еssеncе that kееps mе alivе, inspirеd, and rеady to facе whatеvеr liеs ahеad. 😊


  6. needed that……some days I wonder, maybe too often, what’s the point…we live, we die…..and where we live this planet is a mess….but I guess we can hope


  7. Hope though hard to find sometimes is the best thing to have. With hope, you’re never lost and there’s always that one goal or dream just waiting for you to reach it.


  8. Truly, living without hope is as good as not being alive. However, for everyone who is hopeless, let’s try to look for Jesus, with him, you have a future to look forward to both in this life and the next !


  9. Such a positive blog and a reminder to things we all know but usually forget when things go downhill. I particularly liked the way important parts were highlighted as they leave an imprint on our minds. Short yet impactful post.
    #positivevibes #lifestyle #relatable


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