Look After Yourself Friday

I can’t believe it’s been two whole weeks!

Let me say this before I move forward with my Look after yourself post; I want to thank y’all for the warm recovery wishes. Y’all truly made me feel so much better.

I’m shocked at how long it took me to feel like myself again. I was starting to get worried about how long my dizziness, light-headedness, and sore throat lasted. But I hoped that I would feel better when I was given the opportunity to sleep for a LONG while. 

If you frequently visit my blog, you know I was a reposting fool these last two weeks. Ugggghh, I hated to do that because I love engaging with y’all so much, but it was so hard to form a thought, let alone an entire post. But now that I’m back, I am ready to write and pick up where I left off!

With a massive sigh of relief and joy in my heart, I scream, HAPPY FRIDAY, Y’ALL!!!

Today I was scrolling through Facebook, and one of my best friends posted the picture below; I thought this was perfect for today’s blog. 

How I’m Looking After Myself

Over the past two weeks, I’ve read the bible more than ever; I knew that God had me resting mentally and this week physically. He needed to speak to me; when we are up and about, we leave little to no room to listen to words of wisdom.

When I allow myself to be still, I hear God talking to me and directing my life according to his plans.  

He gives me clarity about the things I obsess over 

And with clarity comes the ability to walk away

When I walk away, I feel peace entering in

When I woke up this morning, I felt the peace I’d prayed for. 

I would love to know what you did or will do to look after yourself this weekend.

You could have chosen any blog o read, but you chose mine, and I’m honored!


32 Replies to “Look After Yourself Friday”

  1. good to hear you’re better….lightheaded, that’s me almost always..I think it may be an age thing, there are some days if someone rings the door bell it’s sometimes an adventure getting off the couch and answering that door….


  2. Wow! Great post! So happy to see you are just like new.
    Let’s keep in peace and calm, smiling to our lifes. Thank’s for share.
    Love the photo with the handsome man. Happy weekend!


  3. So glad to hear you are back and better than ever Bella. You touch on something that too many people don’t give nearly enough thought to. Just as we work ourselves physically, we need to exercise our minds equally.

    I love that quote.


  4. So glad to hear you are feeling better. I can totally relate on the aspect of not being able to form a thought, let alone a sentence. But mine is due to, too many life burdens getting in the way of my blogging and too much going on in my head, it’s hard to focus.


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