The 5 LOVE Languages

Have you ever thought about what it takes to make you feel loved by the one you love?

I must admit that over time I didn’t think about it. When you have kids, work, and everything else going on, you don’t have time or the need to think about this question.

But I have seen many divorced folks, and I’m not trying to be one of them. So with that being said, my husband and I had a conversation about which one of the five love languages we feel is the most important. The hard part is, you can only choose one. 

Yes, they are all essential, but which one is the MOST important?

The 5 love languages are:

1. Quality Time

2. Acts of Service

3. Words of Affirmation

4. Receiving Gifts

5. Physical Touch

My top pick is.…… QUALITY TIME

I’m looking forward to your answers!!!

You could have chosen any blog to read, but you chose mine, and I’m honored!


85 Replies to “The 5 LOVE Languages”

  1. Great advice Belladonna. 👏🏼 I am in my second marriage (only 22 years now), but wisdom has taught me that I need all of the selections you noted, not just zeroing in one. Like making a cake you need several ingredients for that cake to come out like you want it to. Now, while there are many other factors that can derail relationships (and I by no means am NOT a relationship expert) if love, trust, respect, communication, understanding, compassion, and support are not a part of that relationship mix,, it probably won’t succeed, unless folks are in it just to be in a situation. It’s hard to “set it and forget it” as Ron Popeil’s catchphrase noted during his infomercials! LOL 😜💖🤗

    Liked by 3 people

    1. LOL!!!! Not the infomercials. LMAO
      You are so right it’ takes several ingriedients to get it right. You know when you know. And if it weren’t for past terrible break ups/ divorce how would we know for sure.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Yes definitely quality time!! We need a baby sitter because that time is lacking 😂 I hate COVID . Mine was words of affirmations my husband lacks that 😂 but he does spend his money 💰 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. For me, Words of Affirmation. Growing up with a narcissist for a mother, the constant criticism was overwhelming and defeating. I do think that is the reason for my need to be validated, heard, and respected for who I am.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I never thought much about it until my daughter told me it hurts her feelings when I don’t eat her cooking, which she’s always said is her love language. I guess that would be considered an act of service. I’m not sure about my own, lol.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. It’s funny, but when I was younger my love language was words of affirmation and now it’s quality time spent. I think because after dating for awhile, you learn that words can sometimes come easily and cheaply, but time spent shows someone really cares and likes you. It’s so important to know what we need to feel loved. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Wow! Wonderful post! It´s important to have a balnce with the man of our dreams.
    A good relation needs a a little of each one and mine is kind of balance and
    thank’s God he loves kisses.
    Thank’s for share dear Bella, have a great day!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Acts of service. I am my wife’s ear of reason to calm her head in the moment or as she says I her back as I feel any spouse should. The remaining in this order: Quality Time, Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation, Receiving Gifts.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Acts of service is probably mine on the giving side, but we get PLENTY of quality time together. I would like from him more affection, physical touch I guess. He can’t seem to do that without sex, but sometimes a girl just wants to be held or to cuddle. We hold hands, maybe peck on the lips now and then. Maybe we’ve been married so long he thinks it’s not necessary anymore.


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